Warrior Ride Buddies

The idea of warrior ride buddies was to bring a service the UH Manoa community and create a place to bring those togther to carpool. For those that don’t have matching schdules with friends or just need a ride to campus, this app was designed to find those with matching schudles and allow them to communicate to eachother. Especially now that gas prices are at an all time high and not everyone can drive to campus, we thought that out app would ease some of those issues.

Having the vision of creating a service that could do what we wanted was a tall order, but I believe with all the hard work we put in we achieved our goal. Above is the main page to our site and how you’re able to find those around near you. Using the google maps api we’re able to have people input their address and show up on the island, allowing people to find those near them and message them if they’re interested in carpooling with them. My contribution was helping with the messaging system and editing the look of the messages.

After completing this project with my group members I learned a lot about how to work with others and how a team should function. Being available to help those in the team and communicating efficiently and frequently where major factors in being able to complete this project on time. Also being given the opportunity to work with others in near real-life project is an invaluable experience and something that I am very grateful for.

Checkout our github page at: warrior-ride-buddies.github.io