Workout Warriors

29 Mar 2022

In collaboration with Zachary, Jase and Tanner


Problem: UH students can often ignore exercise, due to a busy schedule and constant schedule changes. Although a lot of people like to work out alone, many prefer a partner/group to workout with for a variety of reasons and for some students finding a group of people to play sports with is challenging as well.

Solution: Our solution to this is the “Workout Warriors” website which helps connect the UH community together and offers opportunities to meet new people and join group activities with other students that would otherwise be hard to find.


To use Workout Warrior, a student must login and set up their profile. The profile enables each student to list workouts they seek (running, sport, swimming, weightlifting, etc.), along with their intensity and skill level. Thus, all students are on the same page and know what to expect once they arrive at the gym. Each student must also provide a headshot so that they can be visually identified.

Another section of the site lists all of the Workout options. Within each type of workout, it is possible to see the variety of students and their levels. Each student can set a time to work out and the type of workout they will be participating in (for example, “Weightlifting”, and a time to meet within UH Student Gym (i.e. 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm tonight)). Doing so generates a notification to all students, who can join the workout group. There is an online calendar that shows all of the workout sessions and who is attending.

There are two styles of use for Workout Warrior: You want to plan a group workout session for later in the day or some subsequent day. In that case, you schedule for some time in the future. You are at the gym right now. In that case, you can go into Workout Warrior and schedule the session for “Right Now!”. Letting students know you are at the gym and ready to work out, hopefully generating a reaction and allowing others free to join you!

Mockup pages

Use Cases

Beyond the Basics